This site is maintained by Anasseril E. Daniel, MD, MRC Psych.


Save lives while avoiding expensive lawsuits.
Inmate suicide prevention training is required by law in each State.

The recording of the Live Online ZOOM Session is available below

Details on Learning Objectives for this session can be found in this page (a new page will open)

Dr. Daniel is the author of

Suicide in Jails and Prisons: Preventive and Legal Perspectives: A Guide for Correctional and Mental Health Staff, Experts, and Attorneys

This book, a widely acclaimed practical guide, helps clinical and administrative personnel navigate the intricacies of handling suicide events before and after they happened, and also save lives. You can obtain a copy of this book by clicking here or the title above to be taken to the dedicated page for the book. Additional details about Dr. Daniel and his work can be found on About the Author page.

Dr. Daniel’s online course, “Prevent suicide in jails and prisons, and avoid lawsuits“, is a resource aimed at health, medical and administrative professionals in the correctional system.

A short introduction of the course is presented below. For a detailed description and to purchase access, click here.

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Last changed February 10 2023